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About the Discovery Claimer (Author):

A Unique Non-Traditional Researcher and Discoverer, Ramesh Varma (India)


About the Author:

Presently, the discovery claims stated in this book are not the work of a group of experts but rather the work of an individual, Ramesh Varma. He has been assisted in editing his discovery illustrations/proofs by his son, Deepak Varma, along with cooperation from his staff, friends, and relatives.

The author, Ramesh Varma, is not a professional astronomer or physicist. However, due to his hobby of understanding and observing every phenomenon in scientific terms, he has developed a broad understanding of most subjects. While present-day modern researchers may be masters of specific areas of study, none have mastery over the entire subject. Because of this limitation, modern experts often fail to link various subjects or facts, which is essential for drawing conclusions or exploring the mysterious secrets of nature.

However, Ramesh Varma's unique ability to link various subjects and phenomena in his research has led to the discovery of secrets behind many phenomena. These discoveries challenge prevailing misconceptions and invite scrutiny from the world.

For more information about him, please refer to the biography below.


Ramesh Varma, the author of the book MATERIALISTIC UNIVERSE (Edition-2), is currently 79 years old as of the year 2024. He has authored several books, including MATERIALISTIC UNIVERSE (Preliminary) in English, which explores discovery claims related to astronomy and physics (rays of all kinds and states of matter), YOUNG AT 100 in English, which delves into the process of slowing down human aging, and a Hindi language book titled वैज्ञानिकों की दिमागी समझ (जो गलत दिशा में है) का पोल-खोल अभियान! सन 2015, also concerning discovery claims related to astronomy and physics (rays of all kinds and states of matter).

Although he holds a science degree, Ramesh Varma is not a professional astronomer or physicist. He has been involved in the business profession but has nurtured a hobby of observing natural events and phenomena through a scientific lens from a young age. His approach has always been to understand events scientifically rather than blindly accepting preconceived notions. During his academic years in school and college, he often formulated queries, many of which were original ideas, but refrained from seeking answers from teachers or professors, feeling they were not competent to respond. Instead, he documented these queries with remarks on paper and preserved them, intending to find answers himself at a later stage in life.

After graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in 1966, Ramesh Varma joined his father's business and later established a small engineering industry specializing in road safety products in 1974. In 1978, he conducted experiments that led to the production of a small quantity of micro-glass beads (spheres) for use as reflective products. These experiments involved observing the behavior of small glass particles suspended in a vertical column, mimicking conditions in space, which allowed him to visualize planetary collisions and the effects of thrust magnitude on spherical objects of varying sizes. This observation ultimately led to the understanding that the mean density of the smaller planet Mercury is not less than that of the larger Earth, but rather greater. Additionally, his research into developing prismatic effect reflective sheets by forming fine-line gratings on plastic sheets kept him engaged in the study of light and rays. His experimentation with making dense glass for highly reflective index beads also contributed to his understanding of phenomena such as the reverse spin of Venus due to the bending of sunlight in denser atmospheres.

During the year 1988, while his mother visited him, she commented on his appearance, remarking that he had aged. These words sparked his mind, prompting him to deeply contemplate the cause of aging. This led to the conception of the idea to slow down the aging process. So, from that same year (1988), when he was 43 years old, he began performing exercises using devices he developed based on scientific fundamentals, which he called UGEAM (Uniform Gravity Exposure And Massage). The results astonished him. Now, at the age of 79, he feels and looks much younger than his age. Armed with all the information and practical results, he wrote a book titled YOUNG AT 100, which he secretly printed at a lesser-known printing press and published using his own resources. Ramesh Varma claims that he could have developed or transformed his body to be even younger than it is now if he had not needed to earn a living through business, which consumes time and causes stress. Furthermore, he believes that more gains would have been achieved if he hadn't needed to write the aforementioned books and struggle to have his claims accepted by the world, activities which also consume time and have negative effects on the mind and body.

This discovery regarding the slowing down of the aging process helped him in two major ways, besides keeping him fully enthusiastic to perform experiments

and observations. Firstly, it highlighted the importance of uniform gravity exposure in keeping a person young for more years, thereby making the subject of gravity a vital aspect of his life. Secondly, it spurred him to explore further the reasons behind aging, birth, and death. To understand birth and death, he went deep to understand the evolution of life on earth. To understand the evolution of life, he went deep to understand how our solar system came into existence. To understand the solar system, he went further deep to understand how our Universe came into existence and what its fate is. Research over human aging yielded astonishing results. In this process, he has delved into the basics of astronomy and physics (rays and states of matter), realizing that the world is far from understanding the truth due to its mindset.

In 1986, Halley's Comet visited the Sun. Observing its tail pointing away from the Sun, the author concluded that it was the thrust of the Sun's rays that caused this phenomenon. At that time, the author had limited knowledge of astronomy, and he was unaware that similar observations had been made by scientists in the 1950s. Despite this observation lingering in his mind, during the year 1990, he observed that Sun-rays are not merely a form of energy but also a state of matter. Later, after some years, during 1993, he observed that Sun-rays are keeping the planets away by its thrust force. However, he did not pursue this further as he was deeply involved in studying the human body's aging process, writing the book Young at 100, and developing and performing exercises and concepts on himself.

In 2003, an article published in the leading newspaper The Tribune by Prof. Yashpal stated that the Earth spins due to the conservation of angular momentum it acquired during its formation from the rotating nebula. This article inspired the author to write a book about his discovery to inform the world about the correct understanding of planetary spin. (He was with the idea that it is the Sun rays that spin the planets but he remained baffled that why the big planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are far away from the Sun, so he did not proceed ahead over his discovery till the year 2004).

During the year 2004, he came to know from the Internet that the said big planets are radiating more energy than they receive from the Sun, thus he got the answer that why the big planets are far away from the Sun. From that day, he studied more about Astronomy and was shocked to understand that the world has poor and wrong knowledge about the basics of Astronomy. Hence, he decided to write the contents of his discovery under the title MATERIALISTIC UNIVERSE. He released the book on subject of Astronomy under the title "MATERIALISTIC UNIVERSE" as the third volume along with the book titled "YOUNG AT 100" on April 7, 2007.

He discovered and claimed that gravity is not the sole factor governing the formation and functioning of celestial bodies, as commonly understood. According to his claim, it is the backward and forward thrust exerted on celestial bodies by outgoing and striking materialistic spherical particles curved rays, and ejected particles, in addition to the force of gravity, that fulfills this role.

Nature seemed to have orchestrated circumstances for him, steering him away from pursuing studies beyond his Bachelor of Science degree and instead immersing him in business and related research. His passion for science, penchant for retaining queries in his mind, experiments with micro-glass spheres, attempts at creating reflective and prismatic sheets, endeavors in producing dense glass, and his focus on health-related aspects of gravity, alongside the resources of his engineering workshop, enabled him to explore realms beyond the scope of modern scientists (astronomers/physicists).

The foundational knowledge acquired at the level of Bachelor of Science degree has two diverging paths: one scrutinizes the correctness of teachings and explores further avenues, while the other leads to higher studies based on preconceived notions. Many individuals discard their inherent talent after completing their Bachelor of Science Degree, falling into daily routine, but Nature nurtured and preserved this talent within the author, facilitating its growth and enabling him to challenge prevalent misconceptions in the world's knowledge.

Had the author pursued a PhD or further studies, he might have been confined within the confines of prejudiced and erroneous knowledge like many others he has challenged. Alternatively, he might have been engaged in activities typical of astronomers/ physicists, such as peering through telescopes, capturing celestial bodies in photographs, or calculating astronomical distances.

Nature steered him away from excessive use of technology, sparing him from the distractions of the internet, computers, phones, and mobile devices. His staff assisted with computer tasks, and most calls and messages were managed by them, allowing his mind to remain unburdened for contemplation and writing.

He received full support and cooperation from his family, relatives, friends, acquaintances, staff, and factory workers, without encountering resistance in his pursuits. Nature also provided him with a secluded environment conducive to contemplation and work.

The author has loved nature from a very early age, and his passion still exists. He likes to spend most of his time in the hills and among forest plants. He believes that nature blesses and paves the way to success for those with a targeted mission.

Numerous other factors have contributed to and guided the author's journey to the point where he confidently challenges the world like never before.

After the release of the book "MATERIALISTIC UNIVERSE (Preliminary)" on April 7, 2007, detailing discovery claims related to subjects like Astronomy and Physics (including some basics of Astronomy and unique properties of rays and states of matter), the author noticed a lack of interest from scientists regarding his discoveries. Consequently, he organized a press conference in Chandigarh on July 18, 2007, challenging the world to either counter his claims or accept them. He repeated this invitation for a third time at the Chandigarh Club on December 14, 2015.

In 2010, he applied for an Indian Patent under Patent Application No. "2863/DEL/2010," titled "MATERIALISTIC UNIVERSE and the working mechanism of celestial bodies based on materialistic rays." However, the patent application remained pending for 11 years and was eventually disposed of by the Patent Office, citing the reason that a discovery is not a device eligible for a patent.

From 2007 until the present, he has written thousands of letters and emails to officials in India and around the world, but no positive response has been received due to the entrenched mindset and vested interests of those concerned.

In 2015, the author sought to raise awareness among Indians, particularly science students and enthusiasts, by publishing his discovery claims regarding the true workings of the solar and planetary systems based on the true properties of rays and solar ejects in Hindi language under the title: 'वैज्ञानिकों की दिमागी समझ (जो गलत दिशा में है) का पोल-खोल अभियान! सन 2015'. However, due to his busy schedule, the dissemination of this message was limited.

In 2016, he delivered a lecture to students at The LNM Institute of Information Technology in Jaipur, India, on his discovery claims and distributed some books there.

In 2018, he established an institutional site in Jallah village near Panchkula city, India, along the State Highway, and installed hoardings detailing his discovery claims, particularly regarding the rotation of the Sun and the origin of the Moon. Despite these efforts, no prominent individuals or organizations have paid attention to his claims or challenges up to the publication date in 2024.
In 2019, he uploaded a video titled "Rotation of the Sun by the Materialistic Particle Rays" on YouTube, and in 2020, he uploaded another video titled "Moon and Earth were Adjacent Planets and How the Earth Captured It due to Relative Slow Orbital Motion?”

He has challenged the world's understanding of various subjects by publishing abbreviated versions of his discovery claims in the renowned US magazine "ASTRONOMY." Here are the details of the issues and topics covered:

1. February 2020 (Page-8): Rotation of the Sun (1/6 page)

2. March 2020 (Page-6): Origin of the Moon (1/6 page)

3. April 2020 (Page-63): Big bang; to which extent is it correct (1/6 page)

4. May 2020 (Page-65): What suggests mean densities of planets Mercury and Venus (1/6 page)

5. June 2020 (Page-17): Working Mechanism of solar system (1 full page)

6. July 2020 (Page-65): Galaxy, Black Hole and Pumping Hole (New name) (1/6 page)

7. August 2020 (Page-67): Mysteries of the Moon; Jupiter and Hot Jupiters; Uranus (1 full page)

8. January 2021 (Pages 8 and 9): True physical properties of light (Rays of all kind) (2 full pages)

9. February 2021 (Page-6): Invisible state of the matter (1/2 page)

10. November 2022 (Page-59): Initial part of the Big Bang Theory challenged (Origin of the Universe from a pin-head sized dense mass challenged for false acceptance) (1 full page)

The author believes that the subjects he has challenged harbor fundamental misconceptions that can be understood by individuals ranging from science students to those with a keen interest in understanding the facts. However, despite these publications, key astronomers and scientists have not acknowledged his claims or challenges.

Therefore, the author's current objective is to raise awareness among science students, former students, and general science enthusiasts about his discoveries. He hopes that their collective voices will compel the key stakeholders of accepted knowledge to reevaluate and reconsider the correctness of the challenged subjects.

Further explanations regarding the obstacles preventing a correct understanding of the challenged subjects are provided in subsequent chapters.

About the Author

Presently, the discovery claims stated in this book are not the work of a group of experts but rather the work of an individual, Ramesh Varma.

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