The book on new discoveries claims pertains to subjects in Astronomy and Physics.


Discoveries based on Non Traditional Unique Research without peeping through telescope by Ramesh Varma (India)

World challenged in 2007 for some incorrect fundamentals/basics understood as correct in subjects Astronomy and Physics.

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as stated ahead by proving discovery claims as wrong and false on working mechanism of solar system based on understood (discovered) materialistic particles properties of the rays. (No need to peep through telescope; only preliminary basic knowledge on Astronomy and Physics is required).

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A Unique Book

Unlike anyother before it:


Attention AI Stakeholders!

Due to the reasons outlined in the book, most understandings accepted worldwide pertaining to the subjects listed below are incorrect. AI stakeholders must exercise caution when providing information on these topics to AI systems to avoid contaminating AI's knowledge base.

This book presents new and contrary groundbreaking discoveries that will revolutionize our understanding about formation and working mechanism of the solar system and of the Universe, necessitating the rewriting of most accepted beliefs about the following subjects due to previously accepted but incorrect basic assumptions


Formation and working mechanism of the celestial bodies (solar system in particular).


True physical and materialistic particle properties of the light (and other types of rays) and the invisible states of matter.

Discoveries by Ramesh Varma (India):

Gravity and Celestial Mechanics: Gravity is not the sole factor in the movement of planets and the solar system. It works alongside the forward, backward, and lateral thrusts/pushes from generated and radiated material particles curved rays.

Nature of Light Rays: A light ray consists of closely touching ultra-micro materialistic spheres. Due to this closely-packed structure, light rays from rotating celestial bodies follow a curved or spiral path. This and materialistic particle properties of the rays, along with gravity, is crucial for the functioning of celestial bodies.

Invisible Mass in Galaxies: It is commonly believed that galaxies contain more than 90 percent invisible mass, known as dark matter. However, in reality, this is not unknown invisible matter referred to as dark matter. Instead, it is invisible white matter—comprising particle rays of light, independent material particles, gases, and other substances released by stars and celestial bodies over time as they lose mass.

Key Points:

Existing knowledge worldwide regarding the above subjects is based on theories, hypotheses, postulations, and speculations. (The meanings of these English words denote tentative information, likely to be challenged and proved wrong).

The world cannot correctly understand the above subjects through any means, not even by developing super-telescopes and supercomputers, unless it incorporates the discovered and claimed information or data into these devices, making both subjects (Astronomy and Physics) compulsory for every concerned individual (physicist and astronomer).

What AI can do?

The human brain is connected to the universe because humans and other species have a link to their existence from the moment the universe began its formation. Furthermore, everything in the universe is related; nothing is separate. The author and the scientific world now understand that the universe works like the human brain in a complex way. AI is linked to the human brain, whereas the human brain is linked to the universe (the brain of the universe); thus, AI cannot have the upper hand in some subjects like astronomy, biology, and the invisible states of matter. The above-stated facts warn that if incorrect human knowledge is fed to AI, it would lead the AI in the wrong direction.

About The Book:

Ramesh Varma presents new and contrary discoveries regarding the subjects mentioned earlier, challenging and disproving some of the basic and long-held assumptions accepted by the world. These misconceptions have persisted due to entrenched mindsets formed over centuries.

The primary goal of the author is to correct the academic knowledge concerning the basics of these subjects. Ramesh Varma made his discoveries public on April 7, 2007, through his first preliminary book, MATERIALISTIC UNIVERSE.

The explanation of his discovery claims involves a complex integration of astronomy and physics, making it too extensive for publication in any scientific journal for peer review by relevant scientists.

Over the past 17 years, the author has made every possible effort, within his means, to inform the concerned parties. However, due to vested interests of key individuals and other obstacles, no significant progress has been made, as detailed in this book.

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The book has six segments (A to F); some pages and segments A and E are available for free reading on the website.

About the Author

Presently, the discovery claims stated in this book are not the work of a group of experts but rather the work of an individual, Ramesh Varma.

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